Programme - ICEC 2025

ICEC 2025
International Conference on Environmental Catalysis
Isola delle Femmine (PA - Sicily, Italy), 2-5 June 2025
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Conference Theme
Fundamental and applied research on environmental catalysis and catalysts to address the 2050 challenges (a resilient and zero-carbon society). Topics will include, but are not limited to:
  • Automotive and stationary emission control
  • Air cleaning and combustion
  • Water treatment
  • Sustainable and clean energy production and transport
  • Catalysis to electrify the chemical production
  • Green chemistry and biomass transformation, renewable resources conversion
  • Circular economy
  • CO2 utilization and recycling
  • H2 storage and transportation, green H2 production, hydrogen vectors
  • Photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalytic approaches, solar energy utilization
  • Advanced process with electrocatalysis and plasma utilization
  • Fundamental advances in understanding catalysis
  • Multiscale modeling and advanced simulation aspects

It will be a 4 full days conference, from Monday to Thursday  (June 2-5, 2025).
Abstract Submission
Key Dates (preliminary)
  • Conference: 2-5 June, 2025
  • Deadline for early-bird registration:   15 April, 2025
  • Deadline for abstract submission:   15 November 2024

The presenting author of an accepted abstract should register and complete the full payment before the early-bird registration deadline in order to be included in the final Programme. A presenting author can submit no more than 2 contributions, and one maximum can be selected for oral.
See the page Abstract for the submission.
The selection of the abstracts will be based on the evaluation of the abstracts by international referees. The program and conference chairs will arrange the final selection of the contributions, balancing geographical aspects. The accepted abstracts of those authors who have made the early-bird registration will be included in the electronic proceedings of the conference.  
Type of presentations
The conference will be in person. Online presentations will be possible only for exceptional cases.
The scientific program will consist of Plenary (PL) and Keynote (KN) lectures, chosen to highlight new trends and opportunities for environmental catalysis, and orals/short orals/poster presentations, lumped into mini simposia, several of them in collaboration with main companies in the area (industrial sessions).
Awards for best posters and other ways to valorise them are in progress.
PL&KN Speakers
In preparation.
Under discussion the possibility to have  thematic issues dedicated to the conference by major journals in the area (AppCat B, J Energy Chem., etc.).
ICEC 2025
International Conference on Environmental Catalysis
Isola delle Femmine (PA - Sicily, Italy), 2-5 June 2025
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